Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, August 19, 2024

My Children, When My Statue Comes Back Here, You Cannot Count All Those Who Will Come Here

Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and John "Little Hat" to the Holy Trinity Love Group at the Grotto “Most Holy Mary of the Bridge” – Partinico, Palermo, Italy on August 19, 2024



My children, when My Statue comes back here, you cannot count all those who will come here, and you cannot count the wonders, the miracles, the healings that will happen when you pray before My Statue, which for the world does not matter much, because it does not understand that the things that come from Heaven are a mystery and are miraculous, no one can study the things of Heaven, they are understood with the heart, and the help to open the heart is prayer, prayer is underestimated by everyone, although Heaven has made many invitations to prayer, mankind does not want to hear, they prefer to remain deaf, opening their ears to temptation, human desires oppose the Spirit that God the Father Almighty has given you to do His will in this world, and continue it in the Kingdom of Heaven.

My children, nothing is impossible for God the Father Almighty, nothing escapes God the Father Almighty, and nothing will go unpunished for those who go against God the Father Almighty, He will work wonders to save the world so that mankind will return to Him, wonders that will shock the world, because there will be no scientific explanations, one of them will be the return of My Statue here, and then people will come to know its origin, of its importance that is linked to ancient times, to the time of My Son Jesus, one will learn about the extraordinary story that belongs to My son John Little Hat, the little Shepherd who made this Grotto his home, giving importance to nature, he lived with Heaven, but he did not realize it, what He told seemed like his fantasy, but in his eyes one could perceive the truth, that is why many came here.

The day My Statue returned here for the last time was a very important day, My son John wants to tell you what happened. From the first day He saw Me He never stopped praying to Me, and I was always with Him, even when He didn't see Me but He heard Me, and when He heard Me very strongly His heart beat very fast, and at that point He knelt down.


Brothers, sisters, that day that the Statue of Mary was found here, I was inside the Grotto, trying to rest, all of a sudden My eyes opened and the Statue of Mary Most Holy was in front of Me, at that moment I did not feel fear but was enveloped by a wind of joy, I knelt down even though I did not know who that statue represented, but My heart was beating very fast, the image of a Queen with her little son in her arms.

All of a sudden I heard a voice saying to Me, “John, Mary is before you.”, the Grotto was invaded by a scent of flowers, it was a special scent, the sun rose and illuminated the Grotto with a very strong light, My heart was bursting with joy for all that I was experiencing, I started to pray, but the desire to be able to shout what I was experiencing was strong, I ran to the village and to everyone I met I said, “Mary is in the Grotto, come! Mary is in the Grotto, come! Mary is in the Grotto, come!” Many people believed Me and ran here.


After remaining for some time, My Statue was again taken away, and has not returned here since.

My children, persevere, for this is a prodigy that has never happened in history, My Statue has been seen moving, walking, talking, smiling, weeping, in all these centuries My Statue has given many well-hidden signs, those who told what they saw were judged as imaginary, and from shame they no longer spoke, evil has always confused this truth, and even in today's times it does not want this design here to be realized, because it is linked to the end of time and the conversion of many souls, evil puts many obstacles in the way of all those who are part of this design.

Pray My children, because one day not very far away all those who knew this Grotto and did not give it the importance, will be repentant for being confused and discouraged by evil, because the perseverers will be remembered in the book, I together with My son John will name the perseverers.

My children, close your eyes and listen to the music of nature, this gives you inner peace, the kind you will never find in the world. I love you, I love you, I love you, from today all of you who are here are responsible, because you are not here at random, but God the Father Almighty has chosen you, believe this by trusting in the Holy Trinity and praying every day that His will be done.

Now I have to leave, My son John Little Hat will give you a special greeting, He will pass among you and show you how He used to greet the people He met, bowing, smiling, showing all His purity, all of you stand up and come closer.

My son John wants to speak to you.


Brothers, sisters, I love you so much, I thank you for the love you show by coming here, Mary will give you immense joys, be ready to receive the graces of Heaven. I will return soon and pass again among you to gladden your hearts, let humility be your life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I kiss you My children, and bless you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Shalom! Peace My children.

Source: ➥